Save YouTube video into Gallery : ( single click )

Everyone Likes to watch videos and download them to see in free time but what if , you want to share the video you had downloaded to your friend or what if you want to see the video after 1 month ? As YouTube doesn't allow downloads for more than 1 month.
Here is the solution 
An application called SaveTube overcomes this issues with saving the YouTube videos to Gallery , without visiting any websites which are full of spammy ads .

How to download from SaveTube :

First of all go to the link below and download the app ( note : app is still in beta version , so not in Google Play yet ) 

Next go to YouTube and search for the video you want to download , click on share and select copy link option .

Now open SaveTube app and paste the URL of the video that you had copied earlier .

Click on download , you will be asked to select quality of the video either medium or high . Medium is basically 360p and high is 720p.

That's it video will be downloaded to your gallery and saved in 
 " SaveTube" Folder or you can click on My downloads options in the home screen .


Naman Dwivedi

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